16 July, 2024

So You Want to Write a Book: What Matters Most


by | 20 October, 2014 | 0 comments

10_Snyder_book2By Jamie Snyder

If you want to publish your work, the first decision to make is whether to self-publish or to pursue an agreement with a publishing company. Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

If you have a smaller platform of influence, self-publishing will likely be your best option. Numerous self-publishing companies have websites; first, review their information, and then contact one (or more) to begin a conversation.

If you decide to pursue an agreement with a publishing company, do not be afraid of rejection. Even the most successful authors have been told no more often then yes.

If you choose the publishing company route, one of the first and most significant decisions to make is whether to hire a literary agent. Hiring an agent to navigate the process for you, or not hiring an agent””both have advantages and disadvantages. I have done it both ways, but prefer having an agent by my side. A talented agent will have a solid understanding of the publishing industry, and should have a better idea of the opportunities that may exist for you. If you are not sure whom to contact, the best agents can be found at www.the-gates-group.com/contact.html.

In the end, what matters most is not whether you self-publish or secure a publishing agreement. What matters most is not whether or not you hire an agent. What matters most is not whether you sell one copy of your book or more than 1 million copies.

What matters most? That you write for God”s glory and fame, not your own.


Jamie Snyder serves as lead pastor with Lakeside Christian Church, Lakeside Park, Kentucky. 


Books by Jamie Snyder:

Real: Becoming a 24/7 Follower of Jesus (Bethany House, October 2013)

Thou Shall: Freedom to Strip Away the “Nots” and Discover What God Really Wants (David C. Cook, September 2014)




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