By J.K. Jones
Whether five eager beavers show up or 500, I will be prepared to teach morning Bible study at the 2015 North American Christian Convention.
Teaching puts a smile on my face. I wholeheartedly embrace the morning and I cherish Bible study. More than anything, I hunger to know Jesus and make him known. So, consider this brief article an official invitation.
The NACC morning Bible study time is a perfectly splendid way of devouring and ruminating upon President Mike Baker”s theme, “We Speak.” On three successive mornings, Wednesday through Friday, June 24-26, the study will come from 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, with special attention given to three themes: “We Speak of a Savior,” “We Speak of the Gospel,” and “We Speak of a Charge.”
“We Speak of a Savior”””Wednes-day morning”s Bible study will focus on the 10 occurrences of Savior in the Pastoral Epistles. We will explore how the word was used in Greek and Roman culture. We will especially note the concise way Paul used the word in these three letters. Finally, we will dig into why Savior mattered to the apostle and his ministry partners, Timothy and Titus.
We”ll hit the application piece hard, especially examining Titus 2:13: “While we wait for the blessed hope””the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”
“We Speak of the Gospel”””Thurs-day we will raise and try to answer some vital questions that relate to the gospel: (1) What exactly is it? (2) How do we secure the gospel in our life? (3) What does it mean to suffer for the gospel? (4) How do we share the gospel in our skeptical culture? (5) Why should we stick to the gospel when so many voices and needs clamor for us to do something else? Our focus will be on four of the passages where Savior is found.
“We Speak of a Charge”””Friday”s study will survey the various words Paul used to describe the charge he gave to Timothy and Titus. The significance and meaning of these 11 unique charges cannot be overstated. Paul”s multifaceted charge included confronting heresy, loving like Jesus, holding tightly to faith in Christ, holding loosely to the things of this world, not quarreling about words, preaching the Word, and several other essential mandates. We will note how these multiple charges sit majestically alongside the previous studies of Savior and gospel, especially as they relate to our speaking on Christ”s behalf.
My invitation stands. The first hour of each NACC morning, Wednesday through Friday, has a place reserved for you. Rise and shine. Bring a fresh cup of coffee and an open heart and join me with Bible in hand. Lord willing, I”ll see you then.
J. K. Jones Jr. serves as pastor of spiritual formation with Eastview Christian Church in Normal, Illinois.