16 July, 2024

Annual Christian College Reports


by | 8 May, 2006 | 0 comments

Click to download our two most recent charts of Christian Colleges:

Chart from April 23, 2006, issue

Chart from April 3, 2005, issue

A correction has been made to the chart that appeared in the April 23, 2006, print edition.

The original chart failed to list complete accreditation information for Lincoln (Illinois) Christian College and Seminary. LCCS is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association. (Previously, HLC was known as North Central Association of Colleges and Schools””NCACS””which is how other colleges chose to report this accreditation.)

Other LCCS accreditations, which were listed in the original chart, include The Association of Biblical Higher Education and The Association for Theological Schools.

The downloadable chart, available here, has been updated with this new information.


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