3 May, 2024

I Felt Most Appreciated When . . .


by | 10 September, 2015 | 0 comments

Six seasoned church leaders share appreciation testimonies.

I”VE FELT MOST appreciated when offered opportunities to move to a larger church or a bigger salary. Those moments forced me to reflect on my current situation and to realize I would never find a church that loved me more or treated me better than the one I am in.

I”ve been with this congregation more than a quarter of a century, mostly because of the way I”ve been treated.
“”Mark Atteberry, preaching minister
Poinciana Christian Church, Kissimmee, Florida


09_APPREC_testim_JNI FELT MOST appreciated when, during a time of crisis and great stress, the entire eldership came into my office. They read Scripture, anointed me with oil, laid hands on me, and conducted a long prayer period. They then spoke well-chosen words of encouragement.

After they left, as I made my way to my car, I broke down and cried. However, the stress left me. And as a result of their prayers and encouragement, we had victory.

On a lighter note, I felt greatly appreciated 66 years ago. I had just married my wife, Pat, and I was serving a very small church that had begun to grow. I was paid $25 a week, which was about average in 1949.

I hoped for a $5 per week raise since I was now married. However, at the next board meeting, when a motion was made to increase my salary to $30, it was voted down.

I was crushed. Then a motion was made to increase my salary to $35, and every board member voted for it.

The board members thought it was a great joke; so did I.
“”Ben Merold, retired minister
Harvester Christian Church, St. Charles, Missouri

I FELT MOST appreciated when I received heartfelt cards and letters from people taking time to thank me for things I”ve done for them that truly made a difference in their lives. They meant much more to me than gifts or money or any other expression of appreciation.

I keep a file of cards and letters people have sent me over the years that I can read when I need a spiritual lift. For me, my love language is words of appreciation. They lift my spirit more than anything else!
“”Glenn Kirby, senior minister
West Valley Christian Church, West Hills, California

“¢Â INSTEAD OF ME praying with/for people after services in our church, a person stopped after one service and prayed for me.

“¢ People have given my wife or the two of us gifts that reflect her personality or mine, demonstrating to me they are paying attention to who we really are.

“¢ A leader disagreed with a direction I was leading, but gave me the benefit of the doubt and went all-in with it anyway.

“¢ The “thank you” someone expresses has specifics. (I appreciate them all, but the ones that are specific are so powerful to me.)

“¢ I overheard an attendee talking positively about me to someone else.
“”Greg Lee, lead pastor
Suncrest Christian Church, St. John, Indiana

I FELT MOST appreciated when I went on sabbatical, but not in the way you might expect.

When I returned, I knew I had been missed personally but that the work had gone on without me. Both of my associate pastors told me that in my absence they had been forced to rely on what I had taught them. Instead of having me there to process decisions, they knew how to make good decisions on their own.

Members of my small group had stepped up to lead in my absence; they said they found themselves using phrases I had introduced to them and were able to continue without me.

Being away showed me I have a place and am valued as a person, but that people have used my words and example and learned to be strong.

So, I guess I feel most appreciated when I see that people have learned something from me, adapted it to their lives, and they”re better for it.
“”Mandy Smith, pastor
University Christian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

ALTHOUGH I HAVE felt appreciated through more than 40 years of ministry, I was overwhelmed with appreciation July 20, 2014 (my 40th year in ministry) when I was preaching at Suncrest Christian Church as part of its 20th anniversary celebration. (My wife, Leslie, and I had the privilege to help plant the church.)

I preached at four services. At the final service, I didn”t recognize many people in the worship center. The room was filled with those the church had reached since I had left, and I thought that was awesome!

Each service featured a gracious, enthusiastic, and forward-looking video introduction from my protégé and Suncrest lead pastor, Greg Lee (he was on a well-deserved sabbatical). As I walked up to the platform following his kind, heartfelt words, the congregation stood and applauded to express their appreciation. And the applause continued for much too long, bringing me to tears that came from deep in my soul.

To be so appreciated by so many people I had never met but who were so genuinely thankful for the church that was being used by God to change their lives was one of the most humbling experiences of my life as a minister.
“”John Wasem, mobilization director for Stadia
Johnson City, Tennessee


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