By Becky Ahlberg
Wednesday, December 9
Start your thoughts this morning reading Romans 5:1-5. Perseverance and character“”these are two strong words, but we usually don”t think of them as the stuff of Christmas. And yet, they are at the heart of it.
When you come right down to it, Christmas is a pretty rough story. Think of the cast in this play, and how those two words made Christmas possible: Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Anna, Simeon, and Christ. For all of them, there could easily be a focus on shame and suffering, and yet each of them experienced and understood that God”s love had been poured into their hearts . . . with a plan and a purpose.
Their job? To persevere through their suffering and shame, so character could lead to hope””for each of them, and for each of us. What a gift!
Boast in the hope of the glory of God. Look for it today as you serve. Thank him that he persevered for you, and think of the character and hope that can be born out of the situations where you must persevere today . . . and tomorrow . . . and next week.