26 September, 2024

At the Foot of the Cross (Easter Devotions for Our App)


by | 1 February, 2016 | 0 comments

Foot-Cross_cover_JN3xGet Ready for Easter . . .

At the Foot of the Cross

Editor Mark A. Taylor has written a set of six meditations for the week leading up to Easter. This collection of devotions, titled At the Foot of the Cross, is available at no cost via Christian Standard’s free app.

At the Foot of the Cross offers a meditation for every day in the week before Easter. These devotions offer a fresh look at the thoughts, fears, and motivations of those who saw Jesus die at Calvary””people like Simon of Cyrene, the Centurion, the robbers crucified with him, and his mother, Mary.

Many were there to see the ugly scene when Jesus was crucified. And none of them realized what was really happening.

We have better perspective than they. Ours is the privilege to remember what he did, consider what it means, and recommit to living every day in the shadow and spirit of his sacrifice. Practical prayer suggestions accompany each devotion.

Get this devotional booklet FREE when you download the Christian Standard app for your phone or tablet.

Even if you”re not a subscriber to the digital editions available through our free app, you can have these six helpful devotions.

Just click on the appropriate logo below for more information, and then go to that source to download the app to your device.





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