Ozark Christian College’s Preaching-Teaching Convention is slated for Feb. 20–22, 2023. The theme is “Unsung Heroes.” Speakers will include Rick Atchley, Nikomas Perez, Beth DeFazio, Adam Jones, and Tom Ellsworth. “Early-bird” pricing is available through Oct. 31. Learn more and register at occ.edu.
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Beacon Church in Londonderry, N.H., which just celebrated its one-year birthday, has grown from averaging 82 people before its launch to 134 people this month.
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Science Hill (Ky.) Christian Church plans to move to a new location to make way for road improvements. The church has been located on the same street corner since 1859, but it eventually will move to a site just off the much busier U.S. 27. On Sept. 4, the church gathered for a time of outdoor worship, fellowship, and prayer at their future location, the Commonwealth Journal reported.
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There is still time to register for RENEW.org’s National Gathering, 12:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 4th in Nashville. Students with a valid ID can attend for $20 using the code COLLEGE when registering. A light supper and this year’s theme book are included. The theme is “Real Life Theology: Hard Conversations.” Go to RENEW.org/events for more info.
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Sixteen people were baptized Sept. 4 at BridgePointe Christian Church in East Providence, R.I.
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Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai, Part 1 is coming to theaters Oct. 17-18. In the movie, investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney looks for physical evidence of the Exodus journey to Mount Sinai. The Journey to Mount Sinai is the first in a two-film investigation following the Israelite’s journey from the parting of the sea to the mountain.
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