9 September, 2024

September 15 Study | Obey and Overcome

by | 9 September, 2024 | 0 comments

Unit: Revelation (Part 1)

Theme: Call to Arms

Lesson Text: Revelation 3:1-22

Supplemental Texts: Deuteronomy 6:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 5:6-11; 2 Peter 3:10

Aim: Obey what you have received.


Download a PDF of this month’s lesson material (the studies by Mark Scott, the Applications by David Faust, and Discovery Questions): LOOKOUT_September_2024.

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By Mark Scott 

Revelation 3:1-22

David Erickson said, “Jesus was married.” Of course he was speaking of the church as Jesus’ bride. He went on to say, “I hear they have been having trouble—Jesus and his bride. If you ask me, I think it’s her fault.” Indeed. Jesus is the perfect husband. His bride, on the other hand, struggles with perfection. We always live with two churches—the one that is, and the one we would like to see. That is evident in Revelation 2-3.  

As Jesus addressed his angels (messengers) in his churches we see a kaleidoscope of different images about him. He holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars (1). He holds the key of David (7). He is the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation (14). We also hear the promises he made to these churches. For Sardis, he promised to never blot out their names from the book of life (5). For Philadelphia, he promised to make them a pillar in the temple of God and to write on them the name of my God (12). For Laodicea, he promised them to sit with him on his throne (21).  

Waking Up (1-6) 

The challenge for Sardis was to wake up. Having a reputation (name) of being alive is not the same as really being alive. This church was “mostly dead,” spiritually speaking. They had some spiritual fire still in them, but it was about to be extinguished. So many of their works were unfinished (not complete or full). Jesus called them to hold the gospel fast (guard it or keep it) and repent.  

There was hope for this sleepy church, though. A few people (most churches always have a few of those) had not soiled their clothes. This probably referred to walking in moral excellence since it is contrasted with being dressed in white (a symbol of purity). Believers are privileged with being clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Those people are victorious and acknowledge (confess) Jesus’ name before heaven. 

Opening Doors (7-13) 

Each of the cities in Revelation 2-3 have unique attributes that make Jesus’ messages to their churches especially meaningful. This is certainly true of Philadelphia. The ancient city of Philadelphia is within the modern city of Alasehir, which is about 30 miles from Sardis. While the city gates (doors) have been destroyed, the pillars that held those gates are ginormous. One can only imagine what the doors must have been like. Not surprisingly, then, Jesus addressed this church in terms of keys and doors.  

This church was laden with opportunity. God had opened a door for them even though they had little strength. Like the church in Smyrna, this church was mostly commended. They kept (guarded) God’s word and did not deny his name. Also, similar to the church in Smyrna, the Jews were persecuting the believers (i.e., synagogue of Satan). But God would protect his church by humbling their persecutors and by sparing the church the hour of trial that was coming (i.e., a relatively short time of suffering). The church was urged to hold on and hold out for the day when the new Jerusalem would come down out of heaven and swallow them up.  

Spitting Out (14-22) 

The church that has nothing good said about it is last on the postal route. Laodicea was halfway between Hierapolis and Colossae. Hierapolis had hot springs (the white silt can be seen to this day). The water from Hierapolis would be piped (flowed on an aqueduct—which can also be seen today) to Laodicea. But by the time it got there it was tepid (neither hot nor cold). This topography gave rise to how Jesus framed up his rebuke of this church. 

Laodicea is still being excavated today, but the church needed their pride excavated. They boasted of being rich, having wealth and having no needs. Laodicea was known as a banking center of the area. They also boasted of having 20/20 eyesight, but Jesus said they were blind. Laodicea was known for a special eye salve that was supposed to cure blindness. They also boasted of being fully clothed, but Jesus said that they were naked. Laodicea was famous for their black wool used in clothing.  

Jesus assured them of his love, which prompted his rebuke and discipline of them. The picture of Jesus standing at the door “of the church” and knocking is sobering. He desired to share intimately with this church, to give them victory, and to grant them close proximity to himself. But they had to be willing.  


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