18 July, 2024

Benefits Brought by the Death of Jesus


by | 2 September, 2007 | 0 comments

By H. Lynn Gardner

Benefits Brought by the Death of Jesus:

Atonement””a sacrifice that brings forgiveness and cleansing from sin.

Justification””God”s justice is preserved because the penalty for sin is paid, but the believer is declared “not guilty.”

Reconciliation””restoration of friendship with God after being alienated by sin.

Redemption””freedom gained in being released from the slavery caused by the guilt and power of sin.

Propitiation””offering that turns away the wrath of God against the sinner.

New life””characterized by righteousness as Christ lives in us.

Defeat of the devil and death””basis for hope and eternal life beyond the grave.

This is a sidebar to H. Lynn Gardner’s article, “The Meaning of the Cross.”


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