26 September, 2024

Introducing . . . The Year of the Elder


by | 6 January, 2008 | 0 comments

By Staff

What is the role of the elder in the 21st-century Western church?
Many who hold firm positions on this question disagree with others whose opinions are just as set! And too many congregations are stressed by the tug-of-war between their elders and their preachers.

Is there a solution?
The first step is discussion about what the Bible says and how we are trying to obey it. And so we are designating 2008 as “The Year of the Elder,” with plans to publish articles about the eldership at least once every month.

We will look at the question from many different angles. We”ll tell stories. We”ll listen to scholars. We”ll hear reports from local churches.

We”ve asked our contributing editors to lead the discussion, and you”ll be hearing from all of them through the year. But we invite every reader to participate.

“¢ Go to our Web site and jot a “letter to the editor” to tell us how and why you agree or disa-gree with what you read in our pages.

“¢ Submit your own idea for an essay or article. Some of our best articles (like the first two this week) come to us unsolicited.

“¢ Tell others about this series. These articles will offer starting points for class sessions and informal discussions among elders and staff members in many local congregations.

“¢ Make sure every leader is receiving CHRISTIAN STANDARD. “The Year of the Elder” promises advice and examples that can make a difference.


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