19 October, 2024

An Invitation from the World Convention”s Executive Director


by | 24 February, 2008 | 0 comments

By Jeff Weston

This summer will be the first time in 16 years the World Convention has been conducted in the United States. But what is the World Convention? I am frequently asked that question even though it has been active within our churches for more than 77 years!


Many within our churches are unaware of some of our foundational precepts. Thomas Campbell, said, “The Church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one,” while Barton W. Stone said, “Let the unity of Christians be our polar star.” These pioneers had read and reflected on the prayer of Jesus as he prepared to go to the cross in John 17:20-23, and they came to an understanding that unity of believers is the desire of Christ”s heart and an imperative to the mission of the church. Yet over the nearly 200 years since then, our churches have not been able to live up to these ideals.

Unfortunately, people are looking at Christians and judging the church and our Lord by our conduct. When they look at the church they often see jealousy, power struggles, bitterness, and division! None of these draw people to Jesus.

The church can no longer ignore the desire of Christ”s heart. We can make a difference.


One man who did was Jesse Bader, who in the early 1900s became concerned with this division. Bader came to understand unity didn”t require uniformity, but it did require God”s love, grace, and acceptance of those who think differently than us.

He decided to promote the concept of a global gathering of all who had a common heritage in the Stone-Campbell tradition. He asked them to put aside the opinions that divided them and come together on the things they had in common.

On October 19-23, 1930, representatives from 23 countries gathered together in Washington, D.C., and celebrated their unity in Christ. The impact was immediate; President Herbert Hoover and his administration were so taken by this unity call that they invited the delegates to join the president on the grounds of the White House for afternoon tea! More than 14,000 people attended that event which became known as the World Convention.

The World Convention today offers an opportunity to demonstrate we can be united in our diversity.

This year there will be wonderful times of worship, and more than 40 practical workshops, exhibits from around the world, special children and teen programs, and a community involvement program, including the building of house frames with Crossroads Mission. Also, a Great Communion Service will mark the start of a yearlong celebration at the bicentennial of Thomas Campbell”s writing of his foundational document, the Declaration and Address.

This will be a memorable event, perhaps even a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I encourage you to join us and celebrate our unity in Christ as one global family.



Jeff Weston serves the World Convention from his office in Nashville, Tennessee.


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