By Staff
Alberta Bible College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
It”s not for everyone, but you might consider attending Alberta Bible College if:
“¢ You enjoy learning in the way that you learn! To learn to ride a bicycle, you ride a bicycle. To learn to serve Christ, you serve Christ. Experiential learning at its best . . . without academic compromise . . . that”s ABC! About one-third of ABC grads successfully complete graduate programs, others “hit the ground running” in various ministry pursuits, and still others transfer into other programs, taking their ministry formation experience with them.
“¢ You don”t want to spend “the best of your youth” repaying student loans. ABC”s tuition and scholarship programs are among the best in North America. Her graduates live life, and go where God calls, without numbing debt.
“¢ You love the Lord “with heart, soul, mind, and strength,” not just one or two of the above! ABC programs””whether the one-year “Rock,” or four-year programs in diverse ministry areas””are built around respect for what God is already up to in your life, your gifts, interests, and passions. A compassionate staff challenges and mentors, to help students serve out of the overflow of God”s love.
“¢ You yearn to make your life count, for time and eternity! ABC”s singular focus is to equip for effective service and witness for Christ.
“¢ You know we live in “global times” and you want to experience a friendly foreign culture . . . an education in itself! . . . within an hour of the Canadian Rockies and some of the best snowboarding and scenery in the world!
But it”s not for everyone!
“”Lane Scruggs, admissions counselor
Atlanta Christian College
East Point, Georgia
Atlanta Christian College provides an exceptional learning environment””first, through outstanding professors who ensure that students are challenged and grown to their full potential. This is the nature of education: to be transformed into something different and greater than what you were before.
Second, ACC provides an outstanding learning environment through its unique urban setting. One of our goals is to provide every graduate with a significant cross-cultural experience””either here in the Atlanta metropolitan area or somewhere else around the world. We are committed to the belief that a significant part of any education is being challenged””both inside and outside the classroom. Our students have the opportunity to explore beyond the scope of their previous boundaries and experiences.
Just as Paul was able to adapt his message and his delivery to different audiences as he traveled all over the Mediterranean (1 Corinthians 9:20-22), so also we provide our students with an appreciation for and understanding of the growing diversity of the world in which they will live and work. We prepare students to serve as ambassadors of Christ regardless of their chosen fields of study, whether it”s business, music, humanities, education, psychology, English, or professional ministry.
Atlanta Christian College offers a rich environment in which to grow and prepare for the most important work you will ever do throughout the rest of your life: winning a lost world to a saving knowledge of Christ as Lord.
“”D. J. Dycus, associate professor of English and humanities
Blueridge College of Evangelism
Wytheville, Virginia
Blueridge College of Evangelism is in her 37th year equipping preachers to preach and workers to work for Jesus Christ all around the world. Right now BCE is in her “Just A Little Bit” debt-reduction campaign based on Mark 12:41-44: the widow”s mite. The widow gave all. BCE is NOT asking for it all, “Just a Little Bit” to retire her $300,000 indebtedness. Our board feels this is necessary before BCE moves on to the completion of her campus development program, which is necessary to accommodate our growing number of students.
Boise Bible College
Boise, Idaho
Boise Bible College is dedicated to raising up leaders for the church by providing a quality Christian education. Our faculty members are truly committed to bringing passion and skill to the classes they teach. They also desire to know students personally.
Likewise, our student body is made up of motivated men and women who want to serve God. In fact, many of them are already involved in ministry because they realize the importance of impacting others with his message.
Another reason to consider studying at BBC is the variety of in-house scholarships. For more information on scholarships and the college, visit BBC is a place for people who want to expand their knowledge of God”s Word and use their gifts to serve him. If this is your goal, we want you here!
“”Briana Livingston and Jennifer Whiteman, admissions and financial aid counselors
Central Christian College of the Bible
Moberly, Missouri
Why attend Central Christian College of the Bible? Because it”s more than just a school; it”s a family.
I came to Central almost four years ago. I came here because I was running from the ministry; I was unsure if the ministry was something I wanted to pursue, but what I found was a family that didn”t care where I came from or what kind of scars I”ve had in the past. They loved me even when I didn”t love myself. It was overwhelming at first, until I realized these people were real. They really cared about one another, and they cared about me. I came here to run away from the ministry, but that is exactly what I found. I found my passion, my joy, and sound biblical teaching from the Word of God.
It”s four years later, and I must tell you that I will never be the same. I”m graduating soon, and I know it will be much harder to leave than it was to come. I have never been so excited to enter into full-time ministry, but I”m so sad to leave my family here at Central. They helped me realize that the pain of my past is preparation for my destiny.
If you want a school that teaches the uncompromising Word of God, that shows the love of Christ, and that is living what the Bible teaches, then you should attend my school.
“”Clarence Hogan, senior, Central Christian College of the Bible
Christian Kingdom College
Winchester, Virginia
Christian Kingdom College is an equipping ministry for future evangelists, elders, and deacons that provides every Christian with a deeper appreciation and knowledge of God”s Word. CKC was started in 1995 by Chuck Doughty in response to the growing need in our brotherhood. The tuition is about 10 percent or less of what you might pay at some institutions, and a full schedule of evening classes is offered to accommodate those who must work during the day. Students range from those taking dual enrollment in high school to those retired and still looking to grow in Christ. CKC offers a practical core curriculum at a pace and flexibility to meet people”s needs while preparing them for kingdom service.
Cincinnati Christian University
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati Christian University is a community of Christians united in the pursuit of academic progress, personal development, and spiritual growth. All student activities strive to be Christ-centered with a spirit of joy, adventure, competition, ministry, debate, worship, travel, and more. Being a student at CCU means developing lifelong friendships, growing in God”s Word, and being challenged academically. Here you will participate in athletics, mission trips, community outreach, and whatever else the Lord leads you to experience. CCU””Building Christian Leaders to serve the church and shape the world.
CCU has three colleges: Cincinnati Bible College, College of Adult Learning, and Cincinnati Bible Seminary. CCU maintains maximum accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, the Association for Biblical Higher Education, and the Association of Theological Schools.
Crossroads College
Rochester, Minnesota
Crossroads College offers quality programs with an innovative academic curriculum. Our curriculum demands critical thinking and places an equal emphasis on interpreting Scripture, the church, and the culture in which we live. Crossroads students are taught how to think, not what to think. And our academic program is concerned not only with the acquisition of head knowledge, but also with the formation of Christian character.
Crossroads College students enjoy living in a true Christian community, experiencing life together in our unique on-campus townhomes. Students share daily experiences in an environment where they quickly become brothers and sisters in Christ. And Crossroads students have the added benefit of living in Rochester, Minnesota, a growing city of more than 100,000 people that boasts many opportunities for worship, employment, recreation, and culture.
Finally, Crossroads College hosts a vibrant spiritual life on campus. Chapel services, spiritual formation groups, and our annual Spiritual Emphasis Week provide specific, intentional opportunities for students to conform to the likeness of Christ. Crossroads is an academic community where, in every way, “Christ is our life.”
“”Scott Klaehn, director of admissions
Dallas Christian College
Dallas, Texas
Dallas Christian College provides opportunities for students to discover and connect their professional aspirations and personal faith.
DCC offers a curriculum in biblical studies, liberal arts, and various majors from a Christian perspective. The faculty reflects the core principle that unity can be found only in the person of Jesus and through submission to what the Scriptures say. This is clearly evidenced in the involvement of faculty members in local service to the church, and of some in cross-cultural work in foreign lands around the world.
The Bible curriculum focuses on the content of the Scriptures and on methods for understanding biblical content and theological ideas and applying them in the 21st century. Our Bible faculty teaches students how to study the Bible. The college teaches its students to think freely, significantly, and compassionately.
Dallas Christian College also provides an environment for spiritual growth. The college fosters a culture of mentoring in which students experience community and accountability with peers and professors. Students are challenged to grow spiritually and emotionally as they are equipped to pursue life goals and ministries toward which they sense a calling.
This learning and growth occurs in the multicultural environment of Dallas, the nation”s ninth-largest city, and one of its most ethnically diverse. Opportunities for education and service in urban ministry abound. Once each semester classes are dismissed so faculty and students can serve the needs of the city side-by-side. Weekly student-led ministry teams work with urban youth.
For students who cannot move to Dallas, the college offers a full major in ministry in a convenient online program. These courses are taught by the college”s full-time faculty, qualified alumni, and experienced ministry practitioners. Students in this program reside as far away as Korea, Iraq, Russia, and Colombia.
“”Dr. Clay Alan Ham, vice president of academic affairs
Emmanuel School of Religion
Johnson City, Tennessee
If your heart”s deepest passion is to serve God in vocational Christian ministry, Emmanuel is for you. If you are so committed to excellent ministry that you are not willing to settle for shortcuts and quick fixes, Emmanuel is the place for you. We will nourish, inform, and discipline your passion so you may be “a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.” Our balanced curriculum of ministerial practice, anchored in biblical languages, exegesis, church history, and theology will help you dig your well deep enough that you”ll be able to draw from it for a lifetime of service. Whether God is calling you to ministry in the city, the suburbs, the African bush, the classroom, the military, or anywhere else, we have degree programs that will prepare you spiritually, intellectually, and pragmatically to fulfill that calling.
“”Dr. Robert F. Hull Jr., dean
Florida Christian College
Kissimmee, Florida
Florida Christian College offers programs designed to train you to be a biblically grounded leader in today”s world. The one-, two-, and four-year programs will give you real skills to meet the needs of a hurting world. The day, evening, and distance programs offer students the flexibility to live and learn on or off campus.
The college”s dual accreditation demonstrates its commitment to training Christian workers and to providing quality education. The college holds national accreditation through the Association for Biblical Higher Education and regional accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
At FCC”s beautiful 40-acre campus in central Florida, your strong academic preparation will be complemented by a college community that cares about you. The same professors who teach you will make time to talk with you outside the classroom. Two-bedroom apartments with full kitchens and bathrooms will provide you with a more comfortable and enjoyable experience than traditional dorms. Warm weather much of the year provides plenty of opportunities to enjoy the swimming pool, sand volleyball, student union building, lakes, and the ample green space.
The many major theme parks and other businesses provide opportunities for flexible employment and recreation. The climate and proximity to both coasts are conducive for year-round recreation. The college is also located near many service and ministry opportunities. Students serve in many ways through the church and in the culturally diverse community.
Florida Christian College is the smart choice for a great education on a great campus in a great community with great service opportunities.
“”Dr. Terry Allcorn, acting provost
Great Lakes Christian College
Lansing, Michigan
Great Lakes Christian College is located on the beautiful west side of Lansing, Michigan. With a commitment to excellence in teaching and a dedication to spiritual growth, GLCC exists to create servant-leaders in the church and world. The student community is active in one another”s lives and encourages each other in their walk with Christ. Unique to Great Lakes is the mentorship found between staff/faculty and students. Out of love and genuine interest, our professors and staff grow deep relationships with the students, aiding them throughout their development. GLCC is a place where anyone can learn and everyone will feel accepted.
“”Adam Novello, admission counselor/adjunct professor
Hope International University
Fullerton, California
Our world is facing challenges unlike any in history, and tomorrow”s leaders must be prepared to respond with solutions that are based on a Christian worldview. Hope International University is committed to equipping lifelong learners with critical thinking skills that enable them to discern how best to address issues that impact the church and society.
With outstanding alumni serving in such diverse careers as missions, ministry, education, and business, and as leaders in organizations such as the Red Cross and Food for the Hungry, Hope graduates are making a difference in the world. Located in Orange County near Los Angeles, California, Hope”s main campus exposes students to diverse cultures and offers opportunities for ministry not available elsewhere. Hope provides a Christ-centered education that integrates faith, service, and learning. The university is a national leader in distance learning with more than 200 quality courses available online.
Innovative approaches to education combined with faculty concerned with students” intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth are what make Hope an outstanding university at which to prepare for the future. The warm climate and beautiful Southern California beaches are additional benefits enjoyed by those who attend Hope International University.
“” H.M. “Butch” Ellis, director of admissions, Pacific Christian College
Johnson Bible College
Knoxville, Tennessee
Do you see yourself on the mission field working in orphanages or schools or churches? Do you dream of reaching out to hurting families in need of Christian guidance? Have you heard God calling you to preach? Are you musically gifted with the desire to use your talents to serve in his kingdom? Do you want to teach and touch the lives of children through Christian example? Are you searching for a place that can feed your hunger for knowledge and spiritual growth? If you do . . . if you have . . . if you are . . . you should consider Johnson Bible College!
As a JBC student you will receive an excellent education, live in spacious modern residence halls, and enjoy a family atmosphere on a beautiful campus at a lower cost than any other private college in Tennessee. Whether it is preaching, youth ministry, counseling, teacher education, music, or another field, Johnson prepares graduates to go directly into their field of service.
Perhaps you are unsure of the exact path you want to follow, but you feel God leading you toward a life of service. JBC is a great place to discover your calling. Whether you are confident with your plans or you are just starting to listen to the still small voice, consider Johnson Bible College . . . a place where you can develop the potential God has placed in you.
“”Amanda Webb, admissions counselor
Lincoln Christian College and Seminary
Lincoln, Illinois
Socrates once asked Hippocrates (a student interested in studying with another philosopher), “If you study with this fellow, what will he make of you?” Perhaps the most important question anyone considering college (or seminary) can ask is what will that school “make of you”?
The heart of a person””who they are before God””should be at the heart of any Christian college, and it is at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary. Our mission is to “nurture and equip Christians with a biblical worldview to serve and lead in the church and the world.” Our goal is not graduating students but sending out servants who are nurtured deeply in the faith and equipped to lead others by serving others.
We believe how you serve begins with who you are. To help our students address those key concerns, we have developed a “GPS” approach. All new students begin by taking a first-year course that helps them discover their GPS””their Gifts, Passion, and Sense of calling. All continuing students further develop their GPS through classroom courses, church and campus involvement, and service learning projects in real-world settings””from orphanages in Haiti to soup kitchens in the inner city.
All upperclassmen confirm their GPS in supervised internships that test “out there” what they have learned “in here.” All graduates are sent out to use their GPS to help a lost world find its way back to God.
Our adult degree completion program, LincUp, assumes more mature students who want to further develop their gifts, passion, and sense of calling. Our seminary, as well, has a comparable focus on “formation” for postbaccalaureate students with such key courses as “Shaping the Mind of a Leader,” “Shaping the Heart of a Leader,” and “Shaping the Ministry of a Leader.”
If you are concerned about what school will “make of you,” we invite you to explore what “God can make of you” and “where he will lead you” at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary. Come discover your GPS at Lincoln.
“”Dr. Tom Tanner, vice president of academics
Louisville Bible College
Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville Bible College exists to educate preachers and other Christian workers for Christ”s church. That is our mission, and we take it seriously. A recent survey shows that students and alumni highly value four characteristics about our college.
First, LBC is committed to teaching content that is true to the Bible. Based on the principles of the Restoration Movement, we value the Holy Scriptures, not the traditions of men.
Second, our class schedule features day, evening, weekend, module, and accelerated classes so that anyone can find a class time to meet his or her need.
Third, our faculty members are of the highest quality. All of our professors hold master”s degrees, and many have earned more than one. Nine professors hold at least one doctorate, and three more are presently in doctoral studies. Plus, our professors are currently serving in ministry and bring invaluable practical experience to the classroom. Maybe that is why 83 percent of our graduates are in ministry positions, either in the local church or parachurch organizations.
Fourth, LBC can offer a low tuition rate because of the generous support of many churches and individual saints who believe in our mission. As an LBC graduate, staff member, and current student in the master”s program, I know firsthand that Louisville Bible College is an exceptional place to study God”s Holy Word in an atmosphere of conservative scholarship.
“”Paul E. Ratterman, director of admissions
Mid-South Christian College
Memphis, Tennessee
Hands-on, practical, actual ministry experience””that”s why Mid-South Christian College should be at the top of your prospective Bible college list.
Each year MSCC forms cohort teams of freshmen students who are given a concrete, real-life ministry project that will immediately propel them into an exciting experience of learning by doing. Academic preparation in the classroom is coupled with hands-on experience in planning, implementing, and growing an actual ministry outreach. When the team graduates, after having worked together for more than three years, they will not only have true ministry experience, they will have made a truly lasting impact on the kingdom of God. The faculty and staff of MSCC will mentor the team throughout the process, giving them the valuable insights of years of accumulated experience.
If you want to actually do ministry instead of just studying about it, Mid-South Christian College is the Bible college for you. Check it out at
“”Larry Griffin, president
Milligan College
Milligan College, Tennessee
Milligan College is a unique place where students gain competence in a wide variety of academic subjects, all taught from a Christian perspective. We are a nationally recognized liberal arts college with faculty who are among the best in their fields. We offer a challenging curriculum, but with strong support both in and out of the classroom, because God demands the best from his servants. Milligan has an excellent Bible and ministry program, as well as professional programs in more than 25 majors, including business, education, and communications. Both in and out of the classroom, our faculty and staff challenge Milligan students to truly understand and explore what it means to be a Christian in today”s society.
“”Mark A. Matson, academic dean
Nebraska Christian College
Papillion, Nebraska
With a deeply rooted mission and a clear vision for the future, Nebraska Christian College is in a position to be a strategic leader in training students who desire to know Christ deeply and equipping them to make him known to others. After relocating to the Omaha metro area in 2006, the college has renewed its emphasis on being a Bible college that combines a biblical worldview, critical thinking skills, and practical real-world experience with innovation and excellence. With high student satisfaction numbers, an industry-leading teacher-to-student ratio, and a unique fixed-cost pricing system, NCC should be your first choice for biblical studies and ministry training at the undergraduate level.
Northwest Christian College
Eugene, Oregon
Northwest Christian is exactly what I wanted in a school. The campus is beautiful, and the staff and faculty are always willing to help. It is very easy to make friends and get connected in all kinds of ways. This is a place where people will encourage you spiritually and academically. You know that they are helping because they truly care.
“”Samantha Stanley, junior majoring in teacher education
Ozark Christian College
Joplin, Missouri
Why should you come to Ozark Christian College? Because the fields are ripe for harvest, but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). So much of the world has yet to be reached with the good news of Christ! On my desk sits a globe, and in its base, a clock ticks off the minutes. Did you know that every minute at least 62 people die worldwide without Christ? Every click of the second hand marks another person entering a hopeless eternity.
Time is short, the need is great, and that”s why OCC remains committed to producing full-time leaders for God”s kingdom. We are a Great Commission college. Whether you are training to be a missionary or a youth minister, a church planter or a campus minister, at OCC you”ll learn the Bible inside and out, be mentored by wise men and women of God, gain 21st-century skills for ministry, and be challenged to give yourself fully to the greatest endeavor on the planet””bringing people to Jesus.
In 48 states and more than 40 countries of the world, our graduates are doing exactly that””growing churches, reaching prisoners, leading worship, ministering to students, counseling wounded souls, sharing God”s love with orphans, and introducing everyone they meet to Jesus. You can join them.
As John Piper says, “Don”t waste your life.” Do something that will matter for eternity, and let us help prepare you.
“”Matt Proctor, president
Roanoke Bible College
Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Students who want sound Bible teaching coupled with programs ranging from preaching to nursing to linguistics will want to consider Roanoke Bible College. Located on the banks of the Pasquotank River and an hour away from Virginia Beach, Virginia, and North Carolina”s Outer Banks, the college offers a unique setting for study, service, and water sports.
Dr. D. Clay Perkins, in his second year as RBC”s president, has assembled a kingdom-minded leadership team set to grow the college into a hub for changing the culture for Christ. New programs or second majors include preaching, leadership and administration; youth and family ministry; applied linguistics (in cooperation with the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics in Dallas, Texas); and a cooperative four-year program with The College of the Albemarle (located within a mile of campus) that leads to a four-year degree from RBC and a two-year nursing degree from COA. All four-year graduates major in Bible; additional second majors are in the planning or approval stages. Minors include Christian education, counseling, cross-cultural ministry, elementary education, worship and music ministry, and nonprofit administration. A Bachelor of Theology degree is now offered, joining the BA, BS, and associate degrees and certificate programs.
Students logged 6,200 service-learning or volunteer hours, and were honored nationally for their Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The women”s volleyball team won their conference for the fourth consecutive year. RBC is on the rise, on the river.
“”Melissa I. Lewis, president”s secretary
Saint Louis Christian College
Florissant, Missouri
Saint Louis Christian College pursues excellence in the Word and develops servant leaders for urban, suburban, rural, and global ministry. Our location in St. Louis exposes our students to life in a great urban center. We offer a tuition scholarship program that provides qualified students the opportunity to earn a bachelor”s degree without incurring huge student loans. This program is built around the theme of head (academics), heart (spiritual change), and hands (hard work). All of our students serve either on campus or in ministry situations around the city. More than 30 percent of our students come from minority backgrounds. The administrators, faculty, and staff not only instruct, but work alongside our students developing mentoring relationships and sharing practical wisdom for ministry.
The MAP (Ministry Advancement Program) at SLCC encourages students to step outside their comfort zone and get involved in ministry now, instead of waiting until they have a diploma in hand. Some students choose to live on the campus of the North City Church of Christ, located in the heart of the inner city. Graduates of Saint Louis Christian College have a vision of evangelism and are scattered around the world. Students can choose to attend the day college program or the AIM (Adults In Ministry) night program to earn an associate”s or bachelor”s degree.
Every fall our students participate in a Leadership Intensive Week that focuses on specialized areas of ministry. In the spring, lab week provides an opportunity for our students to travel with faculty, administrators, and staff to serve in mission and ministry opportunities around the world.
Summit Christian College
Gering, Nebraska
Summit Christian College offers two programs of study: a traditional program for ministry and missions in Gering, Nebraska, and an adult degree completion program in Gering and Denver, Colorado. The programs are designed to produce Christian leaders in both ministry and secular fields. The college has a new campus in Gering, at the base of Scottsbluff National Monument. The rural environment provides a safe, affordable place to receive a quality Christian education.
Summit Theological Seminary
Peru, Indiana
Summit Theological Seminary seeks mature students who wish to earn either an undergraduate or a graduate degree by external studies.
The school has not sought accreditation from any source.
Students who intend to be government counselors, chaplains, teachers, or mainline denominational preachers should apply to schools that have regional accreditation.
We train older students who want to learn to preach and teach the Word of God and are capable of completing their work by external study. Many of our students are preachers who are college graduates who wish to continue their education toward a master”s degree. Many of our traditional schools use our courses as an alternative to resolve class schedule conflicts.
Hundreds of our students fill pulpits in our brotherhood. Ask one of them if you should attend.
“”George L. Faull, president
William Jessup University
Rocklin, California
At William Jessup University you will find a teaching and learning community that isn”t bound by the college years. Your experience here is intended to motivate you to engage in a lifelong journey of transformation born of a commitment to know God, seek truth, and serve Jesus Christ.
You won”t just find classes and professors here””you”ll find lifelong mentors committed to your intellectual, spiritual, and ethical development.
Classes are small. Professors will know you by name. Opportunities for significant experiences outside the classroom abound. When deciding where to go to college, ask yourself if you desire an experience that will bring you closer to God, and through your educational journey, bring you closer to the life he would have you lead to significantly impact the world for Christ.
“”Dr. Bryce Jessup, president