By Staff
This year, CHRISTIAN STANDARD“s annual megachurch issue is bigger than ever. We offer you more pages, more information, more analysis, and a more complete picture of what”s happening in our megachurches. We include several indicators of how healthy our megachurches are as a whole. We review a book that dispels several myths about megachurches. And we interview the gatherer and analyzer of most of this information, Kent Fillinger.
Kent, who serves as president of 3:STRANDS Consulting in Indianapolis, Indiana, compiled and wrote most of the articles in this issue, along with Ben Simms, research consultant with 3:STRANDS.
They prepared more copy for this issue than we have room to print. Find the missing articles at our Web site, (see below for a full listing–with links–to all the articles that appeared in the print edition, plus the two “extras”).
An in-depth, thorough analysis is available by ordering item number 01100 at The complete 2007 Megachurch Report: Deluxe Edition contains additional executive summaries including bonus articles and special features with easy-to-read charts and graphs, plus a complete listing of easily accessible statistical research for each reporting church. It”s available for only $19.99.
As usual, we have depended on the megachurches themselves for our data. If you know an emerging megachurch (at least 1,000 in weekend worship attendance) or a megachurch (at least 2,000 in weekend worship) not included in this year”s chart, please tell us so we can follow-up.
“What Kind of Church Are You?”
“The Best Indicator of Church Growth”
2007Â List of Megachurches and Emerging Megachurches (chart)
“And They Met Every Day (Almost)”
“By the Numbers”
“Multisite Momentum”
“And the Award Goes To . . .”
“Ministry Innovations and Changes” (a free online extra)
“Megachurch Trivia” (a free online extra)