By Staff
Nearly 2.5 million people live in poverty in the slums and urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya. They lack the basic necessities of life, including adequate housing, clean water, and sanitation services. Educational opportunities are negligible. Diseases run rampant throughout the communities. Complicating the problem, there are very few jobs to provide the income needed for families to improve their lives.
In addition to these difficulties, the effects of AIDS are devastating the area. There are countless orphans and vulnerable children throughout the slums, where the infection rate approaches 40 percent. For every person who dies of AIDS, another six to ten are directly affected.
In response to this hopelessness, Christian Missionary Fellowship is working to bring hope to the slums of Nairobi through the Hope Partnership. Four “Hope Centers” have been established and more are planned. The purpose of these centers is to:
“¢ Provide education, clothing, and nutritious meals for the poorest children in the area.
“¢ Offer a strong Community Health Evangelism (CHE) program, including the ongoing training of CHE evangelists.
“¢ Teach HIV/AIDS awareness and education, as well as information on caring for those living with this disease.
“¢ Sponsor a microenterprise loan program for launching small businesses.
“¢ Offer basic health and wellness education.
“¢ Plant churches, and offer family counseling and religious
For more information on how to be a part of what CMF is doing. please contact:
CMF International
Attn: Hope Partnership
P.O. Box 501020
Indianapolis, IN 46250
(317) 578-2700
Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism is coming alongside CMF to provide needed medical services in the targeted “Hope Partnership” communities. FAME medical evangelism projects include:
“¢ Medical clinics for the Hope Centers. FAME provides
construction funds, equipment, medicine, and supplies for these clinics.
“¢ Sending of short-term medical teams.
“¢ AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Treatment centers.
“¢ Support services for CHE training and supplies.
“¢ Provision of supplies for illness prevention projects such as treated mosquito nets and draining of stagnant water.
“¢ Clean water and sanitation initiatives.
For more information on how to be a part of what FAME is doing, please contact:
Attn: Hope Partnership
4545 Southeastern Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
(317) 358-2480