Reading Time: 6 minutes
The act of giving elicits positive feelings and emotions for both the giver and the receiver, making it one of the most important exchanges you can have with someone.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
The act of giving elicits positive feelings and emotions for both the giver and the receiver, making it one of the most important exchanges you can have with someone.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
It’s hard to know which organizations to trust today, but you can tell much about an organization that pours into you when it has nothing to gain. The Solomon Foundation was encouraging me and mentoring me long before I worked for a church associated with their network of churches.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Illustrations and stories enhanced a message by making it more relatable and applicable to modern life, but it is the explanation of the Word of God that captured the heart.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
There has been no finer servant leader than Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus called people to serve him then, and he calls people to serve him now.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Thankfulness and gratitude are choices, and Mary demonstrated great strength in making her choices, which must have been at least one reason why God favored her. Thankfulness and gratitude are choices for us as well.
Reading Time: 8 minutes
The holidays are marked by family reunions, sparkling displays, presents under the tree, and precious childhood memories. For the Christian, however, it is also a time to reflect upon the greatest gift ever given to man, namely God’s gift of his Son to mankind.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Uncharted International identifies nationals in underserved countries who are already spreading the gospel and further empowers them to reach their own communities.
Reading Time: 7 minutes
John 4 tells the story of a divine appointment that began with a woman far from God, but ended with many coming to know Jesus as the Savior of the world.
Reading Time: 8 minutes
Christians and churches are called by Christ to share their blessings with those around them. Giving often is pretty straight-forward. See a need and meet it. But some givers go a little further with their generosity—not perhaps in what they give, but in how they go about doing it.