13 March, 2025

Christian Standard

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Living on Gratitude Street

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Thanksgiving is far more than an American holiday. Gratitude Street winds its way through all of God’s Word. Grace and gratitude, double first cousins, are deeply rooted in the heart of God and Scripture.

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Cross-Cultural Christmas

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Like the wisemen, people around the world are experiencing unexpected events. Maybe you can be a partner in evangelism with a global work that will meet their needs and open the door for them to be drawn to the Christ child.  

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Staying on Mission: How Restoration Movement Churches Are Supporting Global Ministry

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Independent Christian churches and churches of Christ have a record of missionary activity and advocacy that stretches back to the earliest chapters of Restoration history. Our many contemporary missions organizations, programs, and conferences show that this commitment to making disciples around the globe is still a key characteristic of our movement.  

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Each One

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s been estimated that over the course of history more than 100 billion people have lived on this earth. On the cross, Christ paid the penalty for their sins and provided eternal life—not only for every person who has ever lived, but for everyone who will be born after us.

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At The Border

At The Border

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our hearts were moved to stand at the river, boots on the ground, and spend a short couple of weeks with the Ukrainians who continue to suffer the loss of so much.

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