Reading Time: 4 minutes
Harvest Prayer Ministries has started PrayerU, an online school of prayer for individuals, small groups, and churches.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Harvest Prayer Ministries has started PrayerU, an online school of prayer for individuals, small groups, and churches.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Luke mentioned three groups of skeptical witnesses to Jesus execution. None in those three groups of people understood that Jesus chose to die willingly. Nor did they imagine they could be freed from their lethal bondage because of his sacrifice.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
As we enter this Holy Week we must be careful of unjust accusations against our Jewish forefathers for missing Jesus. If we do not embrace the wisdom from heaven, we might miss him too.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Christians can keep our feet on the ground while our eyes are on Heaven. We can be realistic without being cynical, and we can hold onto our ideals without being wild-eyed dreamers. We can live in the “now” while we anticipate the “not yet.”
Reading Time: 2 minutes
How would you use these passages to convince someone to live God’s way rather than living their own way or the world’s way?
Reading Time: 7 minutes
There is no sermon so eloquent on the subject of Christian baptism as a properly performed baptism, C.J. Sharp wrote in 1951. The way in which it is performed determines whether its message is made or marred.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Gateway Christian Church in Saint Albans, W.Va., is not turning a blind eye to the drug problem in its community. The church purchased a home near its campus and converted it into a recovery house for men emerging from substance abuse addictions.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kentucky Christian University plans to host a celebration at Cane Ridge (near Paris, Ky.) on the 220th anniversary of the Cane Ridge Revival this August.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Johnson University Royals claimed the Knoxville, Tenn., school’s first-ever national championship Saturday when the men’s basketball team defeated Arlington (Texas) Baptist University 95-74. The 2021 NCCAA DII National Championship game was played in Joplin, Mo.