Reading Time: 4 minutes
God invites all of creation to worship him. How extravagant should that worship be? . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
God invites all of creation to worship him. How extravagant should that worship be? . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Questions for group discussion for use with this week’s lesson titled “You Are Invited” (Mark 14:1-9).
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Jesus was on the rich young ruler’s side. Jesus was pulling for him. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Former Great Lakes Christian College professor Ron Fisher, 94, gave his final sermon April 16 after 74 years of ministry. Alumni, former professors, and members of West Lansing Church of Christ listened to him share on what he called his favorite subject, “Jesus Christ and His Church.” . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
In a 1903 issue, Christian educator and author D.R. Dungan (1837–1920) listed 15 strengths of our movement. No. 6: “Administering the ordinances in the same way and at the same time and for the same purpose as did the apostles and those who were taught by them, gives us strength in ourselves and character and standing before the world.”
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Common Grounds Unity Podcast will drop an episode Friday that features three Christian Standard writers discussing the Asbury Revival. Plus briefs about “Senior Saints in the Smokies,” a new book (“Tombstones to Cornerstones”), Boise Bible College, and more. . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Nick Vipperman shares an appreciation for his predecessor, Tom Plank, who served 50 years as minister with Galilee Christian Church, Jefferson, Ga. “I’ve never had a greater friend in ministry,” Vipperman writes. Mr. Plank died April 1 at age 81.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Here we go again. It’s time for Communion, again. Once more with feeling! Right? . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
After feeding the 5,000 in the wilderness, Jesus retreated to the far northern country to gain some margin in his life. While there, he encountered a desperate mother . . .