19 July, 2024

Christian Standard

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Showing Up at Asbury University: What to Expect

Showing Up at Asbury University: What to Expect

Reading Time: 8 minutes

What is happening at Asbury University? Is it revival? An awakening? An outpouring of the Spirit? I wanted to see for myself what others have been describing, but, more than that, to experience what God was doing, and, more than that, to be in a place where God’s presence and power and purposes were being displayed. . . .

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Team Expansion, IDES Rushing Aid to Quake Victims

Team Expansion, IDES Rushing Aid to Quake Victims

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Christian agencies have mobilized to try to help earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, but an urgent need exists for financial contributions so that more people can be helped sooner. Team Expansion and IDES both shared some of the ways their ministries are helping that region’s earthquake victims.  

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