1 September, 2024


April 3 | Perfect Compassion

April 3 | Perfect Compassion

Reading Time: 4 minutes

He “touched the bier” (somewhat like a casket). This made Jesus unclean. but he immediately destroyed the evidence of uncleanness by raising the young man from the dead. People must have been shocked. . . .

Feb. 27 | Justified and Saved

Feb. 27 | Justified and Saved

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In Romans 9–11, Paul marked out how God’s salvific plan related to both Jews and Gentiles. The Jews had some definite advantages over the Gentiles, but sometimes they compromised those advantages. . . .

Feb. 6 | Justified by Grace

Feb. 6 | Justified by Grace

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As the Justifier, how can God stay true to his character and punish sin (that is, how can he be “just”), and at the same time release the offender (i.e., the sinner) from punishment? Grace is the answer.