23 February, 2025


August 13 | Where Is the Justice?

August 6 | Power for Justice

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Jonah prophesied around 760 BC for the people of Nineveh to repent. They repented. The city was spared from the justice of God for 100 years. But later Nahum came along (663–612 BC) and had to prophesy against Nineveh again. . . .

July 30 | Hope in God’s Faithfulness

July 30 | Hope in God’s Faithfulness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Jeremiah 33 is about God’s promise to restore his people to their land and their prominence. The alternating pattern of judgment and blessing continues in this chapter. God’s faithfulness is one thing on which his people can consistently count.  

June 25 | Warning for Liars

June 25 | Warning for Liars

Reading Time: 4 minutes

People have many motivations for lying. Pride, saving face, selfishness, greed, and more can motivate a person to be dishonest. Hananiah, it seems, was angered by Jeremiah’s message of doom. . . .