Reading Time: 2 minutes
By taking these symbols of Jesus’ body and blood, we announce we believe there really was a Jesus, and he really did die for us and carried all our sins down to a grave . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
By taking these symbols of Jesus’ body and blood, we announce we believe there really was a Jesus, and he really did die for us and carried all our sins down to a grave . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Where is our hope? Do we fear life’s ugly circumstances will become our grave? We need to build our hope on what God promised through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross
Reading Time: 2 minutes
When you see Jesus face-to-face, “as he really is,” what will be your declaration of worship?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
We don’t have to fear death any more than a seed needs to fear being planted.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Luke mentioned three groups of skeptical witnesses to Jesus execution. None in those three groups of people understood that Jesus chose to die willingly. Nor did they imagine they could be freed from their lethal bondage because of his sacrifice.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In Hebrews 11, Abel was listed as one of the giants of faith because of what he gave to God. In the very next chapter, the writer again mentioned Abel, when he said that Jesus’ sprinkled blood speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Have you ever taken God’s grace for granted? Have we forgotten that grace does not begin in us?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Consider that Jesus’ sacrifice was on a cross, which smelled like blood and grime and torture and the bile of humiliation. And yet it was fragrant to God.