15 July, 2024


THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘The Future of Johnson Bible College—Will It Survive Its Founders?’ (1924)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘The Future of Johnson Bible College—Will It Survive Its Founders?’ (1924)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

In 1924, Ashley Johnson, the founder of what is now Johnson University, wrote: “Nine years ago I broke down completely and was under the care of a physician. While I waited in bed for two months, Mrs. Johnson kept the work going and came nearer freeing it from debt than ever before. During these nine years I have fought for my life and the work which God gave me to do with all my heart.” . . .

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THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Integrity in the Pulpit’ (2005)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Integrity in the Pulpit’ (2005)

Reading Time: 7 minutes

“Over the past several years, cheating and plagiarism have surfaced as hot topics in academia, the news media, and more recently, the church,” Dean M. Christensen wrote in 2005. “Several high-profile cases involve pastors of large churches who resigned, or were fired or suspended for repeated instances of ‘borrowing’ sermons from various sources without attribution” . . .

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THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Thank God for the Depression’ (1933)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Thank God for the Depression’ (1933)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Why not be thankful this year?” minister Orval M. Morgan wrote at the height of the Great Depression. “What are a few years of depression when compared to God’s eternity? . . . God is still God; Christ is still the Saviour of the world; the Holy Spirit our Comforter; prayer our privilege and the Bible our open Book. . . .”

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