29 March, 2025

Throwback Thursday

“The Opening Year”: A Christian Standard Editorial from 1875

“The Opening Year”: A Christian Standard Editorial from 1875

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In his editorial for the start of 1875, Christian Standard’s founding editor, Isaac Errett, offered 5 suggestions to his readers that will enable them to “consecrate” themselves anew to Christ’s service in the forthcoming year. Though Errett’s suggestions are nearly 150 years old (originally published on January 2, 1875), we believe his comments are just as valuable today as they were when they were first published.

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THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Barton W. Stone—Champion of the Word’ (1962)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Barton W. Stone—Champion of the Word’ (1962)

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Sam Stone wrote in 1962, “If the early leaders of the Restoration movement are like men engaged in a race, it might be said that Barton Warren Stone took an early lead, but was later passed by Alexander Campbell.” Sam Stone contended that Barton Stone was deserving of greater appreciation . . . and he did so by presenting this “survey of his life.” . . .

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THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Prayers at the Table’ (1984)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Prayers at the Table’ (1984)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Is there a church that has no story to tell about prayers at the Lord’s table?” William S. Boice asked in 1984. “We of the New Testament order often find our­selves criticized by our denominational brethren of a more liturgical custom who find our somewhat casual approach to Communion to be nearly offensive. It bears thinking about.” . . .

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