Reading Time: 13 minutes
In 1927, L.A. Chapman, minister in Bedford, Ohio, compiled this listing of Scripture verses that “answer the question, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ presented without note or comment.”
Reading Time: 13 minutes
In 1927, L.A. Chapman, minister in Bedford, Ohio, compiled this listing of Scripture verses that “answer the question, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ presented without note or comment.”
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Thirty years ago, Tom Claibourne posed several “what if” questions from the Bible. Examples: What if Mordecai had bowed down to Haman? What if Paul’s tent business had taken precedence over his ministry? . . .
Reading Time: 8 minutes
Dr. Henry E. Webb wrote in 1957: “A necessary condition for the success of any approach to Christian unity is the development of a satisfactory concept of Christian liberty—one that recognizes the right of another person to exercise his sincere mental and spiritual faculties with the freedom we demand for ourselves. . . .”
Reading Time: 6 minutes
In honor of the 50th anniversary of IDES (International Disaster Emergency Service), we again share a 1991 article about Milton B. Bates, the man who started the disaster relief organization. IDES will mark its anniversary with an open house July 8 at its headquarters in Noblesville, Ind.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
“Nobody seems more mistake-prone than the average missionary (with the possible exception of presidents, congressmen, mothers and fathers of teenagers, umpires, and tax assessors),” Ward Patterson, tongue firmly in cheek, wrote in 1963. “That the missionary should so excel in error-ability is a phenomenon worthy of the interest of all of us . . .”
Reading Time: 4 minutes
More than 80 years ago, several Christian fathers wrote on the topic, “Why I encouraged my son to be a minister.” Today, we dust off and share two of those responses. The first is from Victor E. Hoven, father of Ard Hoven. The second is from R. C. Foster, father of Lewis Foster.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
“It is my conviction that the day of Pentecost is the focal point in the history of the world,” Wm. E. Sweeney wrote in 1929, “. . . that all the lines of history before that time converge to that great day, and that all the lines of history since that time have diverged.” . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
In 1953, Leon Appel wrote: “A few of the suggestions made by elders and deacons at this [Kiamichi] clinic, if taken seriously, may help the preacher to extend the term of his ministry in a given field, and enlarge his measure of usefulness.” . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
This short news item from 1933 is notable mainly for describing the lengths to which the congregation in Streator, Ill., went to heat their church building during the Great Depression. . . .