9 March, 2025

Communion Meditations

Each One

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s been estimated that over the course of history more than 100 billion people have lived on this earth. On the cross, Christ paid the penalty for their sins and provided eternal life—not only for every person who has ever lived, but for everyone who will be born after us.

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The Taste of Death

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before the cross, Jesus had seen death’s impact and he had heard the cries of those who had lost friends and loved ones, but at the cross, Jesus experienced the full measure of its indescribable pain and horror.

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All of It

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As we partake of Communion together, think about those words “all of it.” Give thanks that you are part of the “all” for whom Jesus died and that “all” of your sins have been forgiven through his sacrifice.

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If Blood Could Talk

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jesus’ blood speaks a “better” word than Abel’s, for Abel’s blood cried out to God for retribution. Jesus’ blood speaks of redemption, of grace and mercy; it announces the good news of God’s forgiveness. 

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