12 March, 2025


Revival Fires Ministry Founder Cecil Todd Dies

Revival Fires Ministry Founder Cecil Todd Dies

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Cecil Todd, of Branson West, Mo., who served the Lord faithfully for 75 years, founded Revival Fires Ministry, and hosted a weekly television program that aired nationally for 20 years, died March 4, 2024, at age 92. . . .

About Suicide: I’m Still Learning from My Son’s

About Suicide: I’m Still Learning from My Son’s

Reading Time: 8 minutes

LeRoy Lawson writes that his book about his son’s suicide “contains both sides of a conversation three decades long; [Lane] talks first in his final communication to us. Then I answer him. He writes with confidence, at peace with his decision and comfortable with his reasons for it. I am not so sure of myself, either as father or as minister . . .”

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘The Birth of the Restoration’ (Part 1; 1924)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘The Birth of the Restoration’ (Part 1; 1924)

Reading Time: 9 minutes

“The nineteenth century dawned on an America that was far from Christian. Unbelief was prevalent and popular,” Ira M. Boswell wrote in 1924. “The Bible was considered a dead book and the gospel powerless to save. Speaking to sinners concerning personal salvation was objectionable to pious believers, and looked upon as a personal interference with the plans of God.” . . .

News Briefs for March 6

Reading Time: 4 minutes

ICOM offers an entire church/college family registration option. Plus, housing information is now available for the Nov. 14-16 conference in Lexington, Ky. . . . Plus briefs from Waypoint Church Planters, CMF, The Pressing On Conference (April 9-11), KCU, and more . . .

Bill Hauser Overflowed with Joy, Energy, and Love

Bill Hauser Overflowed with Joy, Energy, and Love

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Ozark Christian College President Matt Proctor shares a remembrance of Bill Hauser, who preached at New Testament Christian Church during Matt’s growing-up years in Keokuk, Iowa. “When you say the word ‘preacher,’ the first picture that pops into my mind is always his,” Proctor wrote. “He preached loud, and sweat poured off him” . . . Hauser died Feb. 21. . . .