Reading Time: 3 minutes
In today’s Christmas memory, Christian educator Rick Cherok reflects on Christmas celebrations at Cincinnati Christian University’s Restoration Hall, where he was resident director for 13 years.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
In today’s Christmas memory, Christian educator Rick Cherok reflects on Christmas celebrations at Cincinnati Christian University’s Restoration Hall, where he was resident director for 13 years.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Christian college professor Genilyn McCaffrey starts her Christmas memory by writing, “As a preacher’s kid whose dad also happened to direct the church choirs, I spent the Sundays before Christmas in kids’ choir practices and waiting around for the adult rehearsals to finish. . . .”
Reading Time: 4 minutes
“We need to share Simeon’s experience,” Editor Sam Stone wrote in 1978. “We need to see the Lord this Christmas. Simply hearing of the infant in a manger is not enough, however. We must look with the eye of faith to Calvary, knowing that there He died for us.” . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Briefs from ICOM, Orchard Group, Kentucky Christian University, Great Lakes Christian College, Johnson University, and more . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
“My mother was the ‘Cindy Lou Who’ to the Christmas ‘Grinches’ in our family,” Indiana minister Eric Hallstrom writes in this second in a series of six Christmas memories we are sharing. “I have to admit, I may have been one of those grouches during my growing-up years. . . .”
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Over the next several days, Christian leaders will be sharing favorite Christmas memories with readers. Today we hear from retired Christian educator Dan Schantz about “The Holy Grail of Christmas” his mother would bring home during the last week of August. . . .
Reading Time: 7 minutes
“The coming of Christ is breathtakingly good news for all who feel overwhelmed with any need,” Alan Ahlgrim wrote in 2014. “Jesus didn’t merely identify with us; he came to assume the crushing, overwhelming burden of our sin. . . .”
Reading Time: 5 minutes
The discipleship group on Dec. 5-6 organized a conference for young leaders in Independent Christian Churches, noninstrumental Churches of Christ, and African American Churches of Christ in an effort to bring greater unity to major streams of the Restoration Movement. They gathered at Harding University. . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Todd Stinson, Deaf Pastor at Northeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky., is passionate about helping change a sad statistic. Of the estimated 70 million people in the world who are Deaf, only about 2 percent have been reached with the gospel. Todd, who was born Deaf, remembers the not-so-easy path to accepting Jesus as his Savior. . . .