Reading Time: 2 minutes
Briefs about the re-release of a novel about Alexander Campbell, videos from CMF International, a Midwest Christian College reunion, Harding University’s 100th anniversary, and more.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Briefs about the re-release of a novel about Alexander Campbell, videos from CMF International, a Midwest Christian College reunion, Harding University’s 100th anniversary, and more.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
“Twenty-five years ago, I finally left the Land of Numb—the land where I was raised,” pastor Don Follis writes. “The ruts run deep to that land, and I still know the way back. From time to time, I return there. Most days, though, I can barely see it in my rearview mirror. . . .”
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Refurbishing of the iconic, 166-foot, brick First Christian Church tower in Columbus, Ind., is expected to be completed Dec. 4 . . . and the project is coming in under budget. . . .
Reading Time: 6 minutes
The assignment in fall 1983 was simple and direct: “Write a short paragraph telling of some verse or verses of the Bible that have special meaning to you.” Today we share responses from Ard Hoven of Grayson, Ky.; Barton McElroy of Duncanville, Tex.; Robert A. Scott of Waterloo, Iowa; and Jerzy Sacewicz of Warsaw, Poland.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
A ribbon cutting for the new Heritage Hall at Mid-Atlantic Christian University will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday. . . . ICOM has a new mobile app. . . . Big anniversaries for churches in Fort Myers, Fla., and Litchfield, Ill. . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Christian Standard is compiling a list of the oldest Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ that are still gathering for worship each week, but we need your help. Please review this list of churches that started between the years of 1800 and 1859. If you know of a church that we have overlooked, or if you see incorrect information . . .
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Phil and Marian Yakey had a hard time digesting the news about the closure of Lincoln Christian University. The couple have been connected to the college for nearly five decades. “There’s an element of shock in it,” Phil Yakey said. “We kind of always assumed the college would continue to grow and prosper.” . . .
Reading Time: 8 minutes
In my second season of driving for Uber, I am having conversations with thousands of people who may never set foot inside a church, and as we talk, my vehicle sometimes turns into a sanctuary. . . .
Reading Time: 8 minutes
The assignment in fall 1983 was simple and direct: “Write a short paragraph telling of some verse or verses of the Bible that have special meaning to you.” Today we share responses from Edgar Nichols of Myrtle Creek, Ore.; Bill Jessup of San Jose, Calif.; Orval M. Morgan of Phoenix, Ariz.; and Murhl S. Rogers of Indianapolis, Ind.