10 March, 2025


‘Mom, I Love You’: How Four Little Words Transformed My Life

‘Mom, I Love You’: How Four Little Words Transformed My Life

Reading Time: 7 minutes

In Celebrate Recovery, making amends is one of the final steps. This step demands a person seek forgiveness from anyone they’ve hurt or offended, as well as grant pardon to those who’ve hurt or offended them. I still had one last person to pardon . . . and she had hurt me most. It was my own mother. But to understand the end, let’s start from the beginning. . . .

Prof. Terry Bowland Retires from OCC (Plus News Briefs)

Prof. Terry Bowland Retires from OCC (Plus News Briefs)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ozark Christian College created a video marking the retirement of Dr. Terry Bowland after 30 years of service with the school. The ministry and New Testament professor will be remembered for many things, including his love for family, church, and teaching at OCC. Also briefs from around the country. . . .

LGBTQ Group Pushes for Change at Milligan

LGBTQ Group Pushes for Change at Milligan

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A group is protesting Milligan University’s avowed biblical position on human sexuality by posting on a billboard near campus last month that “Trans is Holy,” “Drag is Holy,” “Queer is Holy,” and “You are Holy.” . . .