Reading Time: 4 minutes
The multi-season streaming series “The Chosen” takes enormous artistic liberties with the historical facts of the Gospels. However, it convincingly portrays Jesus as enigmatically both human and divine.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
The multi-season streaming series “The Chosen” takes enormous artistic liberties with the historical facts of the Gospels. However, it convincingly portrays Jesus as enigmatically both human and divine.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Chaplains Charles DeVore and Lertis Ellett share about their service to God while serving in the military in the South Pacific during World War II. “Any man who has the courage and love to preach the gospel in civilian life can also preach it in the Army,” DeVore wrote.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Mark and Caroline Worley, who both passed away in recent weeks, leave a legacy at Dallas Christian College. Also, in other news, Lincoln Christian College honors two alums, and a bridge is named for Duard Walker at Milligan University.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
A student who leaves for college too often leaves the church for good, but students who receive special attention from their home church will realize they are valuable to the body of Christ. Consider some of the following strategies to help your church go the extra mile with your college students, whether they attend a Christian or secular college.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Judging from the reaction of kids and adults last week in Columbus, Ohio, the annual International Conference on Missions is connecting with a new generation to take the gospel to all nations!
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Among the 15,000 Ozark Christian College alumni, Meredith Williams is a legend. During his 46 years at OCC, Meredith wore many hats, including admissions director, alumni director, and many others. Nicknamed “Mr. OCC,” he’s been the college’s single best cheerleader, and when he retired in 2013 at age 73, his ministry didn’t stop. He just moved it to Facebook. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Kenneth T. Norris of Montague, P.E.I., Canada, wrote in 1954: “Through the power of God we shall receive new bodies. These bodies will be identifiable, incorruptible, glorious, powerful, spiritual—fashioned in the image of Christ’s.”
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The traditional “Living Flag” performances at Mahomet (Ill.) Christian Church will be presented again this year, paying tribute not only to our nation’s service members and veterans, but also to David Johnson, the senior minister who founded the patriotic concerts 18 years ago. Johnson passed away in February at age 69.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Point University defeated Kentucky Christian University Saturday afternoon on a last-second field goal set up by a string of completions by a freshman quarterback getting his first collegiate start.