Reading Time: 4 minutes
Soon after Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, I asked my good friend Yuri if he was still in Kramatorsk. His strong reply was, “Of course, Michael, I am a pastor.” . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Soon after Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, I asked my good friend Yuri if he was still in Kramatorsk. His strong reply was, “Of course, Michael, I am a pastor.” . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The war has affected all citizens of Ukraine, even those on the fringes of society, such as the Roma people. Christians in southeastern Ukraine have been working to create a Bible translation in several of the Romani languages . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Four people served by the Fortville Area Resource Mission, hosted by Fortville (Ind.) Christian Church, were baptized at the church last week as about 30 people looked on. Plus additional briefs from IDES, ICOM, Johnson University, SpireConference, and more.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
When COVID-19 caused lockdowns, Central India Christian Mission responded quickly by creating Hindi Church Online. The ministry has grown quickly and is now reaching 7.5 million weekly viewers. “What is happening now, only God can do,” says CICM’s Ajai Lall.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
June Johnson, who served in Ukraine as a medical missionary with CMF International for 24 years, until the war started, has found a way to continue serving many of the Ukrainians she cared for previously, but now in a different country.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Lincoln Christian University is exploring the sale of a portion of its campus to Open Arms Christian Fellowship. At Dallas Christian College, students show love to Mark and Caroline Worley. Plus briefs from Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and more.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Ends of the Earth Cycling, a ministry that has hosted multiday cycling rides in 35 states, reached a goal of raising $1 million for youth ministries around the world earlier this month. The 10-year-old ministry, part of New International, . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Ukrainian Christian leaders take a stand against ‘Russian worldview’ and other Russian propaganda.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
News briefs from churches in Illinois, Florida, Missouri, West Virginia, and Tennessee, plus a Ukraine update from Glen Elliott.