16 July, 2024


Oct. 24 | Application

Oct. 24 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

David Faust writes, “Today we face a dizzying array of cultural changes—with shifts occurring not only in technology and style, but in substantive matters like worldviews, ethics, and how to understand the Bible . . .”

Oct. 10 | Application

Oct. 10 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Successful athletes keep playing in spite of minor aches and many battle their way back to health after suffering major injuries, David Faust writes. Likewise, serving the Lord requires perseverance through pain.

Sept. 26 | Application

Sept. 26 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hebrews 12 compares two mountains. Mount Sinai was dark and scary, and for most people it was unapproachable. Fortunately for us, Jesus is “the mediator of a new covenant” (Hebrews 12:24), so we are invited to a different kind of mountaintop experience.

Sept. 19 | Application

Sept. 19 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The word “sacrifice” has been cheapened by overuse, David Faust writes. Is it really a sacrifice to skip dessert or give up gourmet coffee? What does sacrifice mean to us today? Here are three questions to consider . . .

Sept. 12 | Application

Sept. 12 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Referring to the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). His church puts out a welcome mat inviting sinners like ourselves from every ethnic group to come and join the family.

Sept. 5 | Application

Sept. 5 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many wanted to know, “Jesus, who do you think you are?” However, he turned the question around and asked, “Who do you say I am?” Some compared him to prophets like Elijah or Jeremiah, but Peter gave the most logical answer . . .

Aug. 29 | Application

Aug. 29 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mary’s whiplashed emotions made it difficult for her mind to grasp history’s greatest miracle. In your own life, have there been times when the Lord was right there with you, but you didn’t recognize his presence?