Lesson for June 17, 2012: Celebrate Jubilee (Leviticus 25) by Christian Standard | 11 June, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for June 10, 2012: Live as God’s Just People (Leviticus 19) by Christian Standard | 4 June, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for June 3, 2012: Practice Justice (Exodus 22:1-23:9) by Christian Standard | 28 May, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for May 27, 2012: The Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14) by Christian Standard | 21 May, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for May 20, 2012: The Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-44) by Christian Standard | 14 May, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for May 13, 2012: The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18) by Christian Standard | 7 May, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for May 6, 2012: The Bread of Life (John 6) by Christian Standard | 30 April, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for April 29, 2012: Blind Man Receives Sight (John 9) by Christian Standard | 23 April, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for April 22, 2012: Samaritan Woman Finds Living Water (John 4:1-42) by Christian Standard | 16 April, 2012 | +The Lookout