Lesson for Oct. 9, 2011: Valuing True Wisdom (Ecclesiastes 9:13″“10:20) by Christian Standard | 3 October, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Oct. 2, 2011: Living an Ordered Life (Proverbs 28:1″“29:27) by Christian Standard | 26 September, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Sept. 25, 2011: Acting with Discernment (Proverbs 25:1-28) by Christian Standard | 19 September, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Sept. 18, 2011: Teaching Values (Proverbs 10:1″“15:33) by Christian Standard | 12 September, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Sept. 11, 2011: Making Right Choices (Proverbs 4:1-27) by Christian Standard | 5 September, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Sept. 4, 2011: Pursuing Righteousness (Proverbs 3) by Christian Standard | 29 August, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Aug. 28, 2011: Caring for One Another (Ruth 4:1-10) by Christian Standard | 22 August, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Aug. 21, 2011: Empowering the Needy (Ruth 2:8-18) by Christian Standard | 15 August, 2011 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Aug. 14, 2011: Making a Choice (Ruth 1:8-18) by Christian Standard | 8 August, 2011 | +The Lookout