11 March, 2025

+The Lookout

Jan. 28 Lesson | I AM the Vine

Jan. 28 Lesson | I AM the Vine

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As Jesus continued his Upper Room Discourse in John 15, he moved beyond metaphor by claiming to be the true vine of Israel. Then he connected the dots between the vine and himself, the gardener and his Father, and the branches and the disciples. . . .

Jan. 28 Application | ‘No Pruning, No Progress’

Jan. 28 Application | ‘No Pruning, No Progress’

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“My wife took the pruning shears to an overgrown houseplant and chopped it down to a stub,” David Faust writes. “I was sure she had killed it, but the remarkably resilient plant now thrives in a corner of our kitchen. . . . I’m not sure why God designed things this way, but sometimes cutbacks lead to growth spurts. . . .”

Jan. 28 Lesson | I AM the Vine

Jan. 21 Lesson | I AM the Way

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The exclusivity of Jesus is a problem in a pluralistic country like the United States. There is immediate pushback when anyone says, “This is the only way.” . . . But what else are Christians to believe and say when Jesus said that he is the gate (John 10:9)? . . .

Jan. 28 Lesson | I AM the Vine

Jan. 14 Lesson | I AM the Good Shepherd

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The biblical world had a love/hate relationship with shepherds. Shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians (Genesis 46:34), and by the first century BC they were the ragamuffins of society (Luke 2:8-20). But Scripture has high regard for shepherds. . . .