Reading Time: 4 minutes
The city of Rome attracts millions of visitors each year. It also attracted the apostle Paul. He longed to go there (Romans 1:11). . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
The city of Rome attracts millions of visitors each year. It also attracted the apostle Paul. He longed to go there (Romans 1:11). . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Luke ends his account of the early church’s history on an upbeat note. He summarizes the apostle Paul’s ministry while under house arrest in Rome by exclaiming, “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!” (Acts 28:31). . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
These Discovery Questions are for use with this week’s Lookout Bible Lesson, “Rome” (Acts 28:11-31), by Mark Scott.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Some cities are so significant that just saying their names gets a reader’s or hearer’s attention. In the ancient world, this was true with Ephesus, a city with a population that rivaled Rome and Thessalonica. Paul visited Ephesus as the end of his second missionary journey . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The temple in Ephesus was dedicated to the goddess Artemis. It was larger than a football field—425 feet long and 220 feet wide, with a roof supported by 127 tall stone pillars. Today, only the foundation and one stone column remain. . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
These Discovery Questions are for use with this week’s Lookout Bible Lesson, “Ephesus” (Acts 19:8-10, 23-41), by Mark Scott.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
In “Toy Story,” Buzz Lightyear’s famous catchphrase was, “To infinity and beyond!” One could use that same line upon coming to Acts 13. The chapter continues the geographical expansion of the church outlined by Jesus in his commission to the apostles, with the goal of reaching “the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Why would anyone voluntarily leave their native culture and move to a different land?’ David Faust asks. “Why would anyone choose to give up the conveniences of home and adjust to unfamiliar languages, climates, customs, and foods—and raise their own financial support to pay for these inconveniences?” . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
These Discovery Questions are for use with this week’s Lookout Bible Lesson, “First Missionary Journey” (Acts 13:1-13, 26-31, 38-39), by Mark Scott.