16 July, 2024

+The Lookout

March 26 | Lead Me to Righteousness

March 19 | Mend My Brokenness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

How severe was Israel’s brokenness? Very! The people had majored in minors (Amos 5:21-24) and were experiencing the worst kind of famine—one from the Word of God (8:11). They would not be able to escape judgment from the Lord of Hosts. . . .

March 26 | Lead Me to Righteousness

March 12 | Grant Me Mercy

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The eighth-century BC prophet Micah (like his counterparts Amos and Hosea) prophesied against the northern and southern kingdoms. Micah cried out against idolatry, immorality, leadership crises, and family deterioration. But his prophecy had some bright spots . . .