Reading Time: 4 minutes
The dress code of Heaven for the wedding feast of the Lamb is good deeds. The church (bride) makes herself ready for that feast by righteous acts. John gave this interpretation of the fine linen (19:8).
Reading Time: 4 minutes
The dress code of Heaven for the wedding feast of the Lamb is good deeds. The church (bride) makes herself ready for that feast by righteous acts. John gave this interpretation of the fine linen (19:8).
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Lord is “the Alpha and the Omega”. In the past he has kept his covenants through all generations. In the present he guides and comforts us through the Scriptures and the presence of his indwelling Spirit. He is forever faithful. The future is not a mystery to him.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
These Discovery Questions are for use with this week’s Lookout Bible Lesson, “The Battle is the Lord’s” (Revelation 19:1-14; 20:11-15), by Mark Scott.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
God’s people should be crystal clear about their allegiance. They play to an audience of one. So they must be very careful of other allegiances. For the believers in the seven churches, that meant coming out from the pagan influences of the culture.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
To avoid falling prey to spiritual scams, we must be honest about the danger. We live in a time when sin isn’t taken seriously. By minimizing the consequences of sin, we become more vulnerable to Satan’s scams.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
These Discovery Questions are for use with this week’s Lookout Bible Lesson, “The Battle is the Lord’s” (Revelation 17:1-2, 6, 18; 18:1-10), by Mark Scott.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
In Revelation 15-16, Christians are given a front-row seat on the judgments of God. They can watch them unfold through observing the angels with their seven bowls of wrath.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The more we respect God’s justice, the more we will appreciate the way he forgives our sins even though he has the right to punish us.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
These Discovery Questions are for use with this week’s Lookout Bible Lesson, “The Battle is the Lord’s” (Revelation 15:1-4; 16:1-12, 15-17), by Mark Scott.