Reading Time: 4 minutes
God’s people had returned from their exile in Babylon, had rebuilt the altar in the temple, and were laying the foundation of the temple when they ran into a buzz saw. “Enemies” reared their ugly heads (Ezra 4:1). . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
God’s people had returned from their exile in Babylon, had rebuilt the altar in the temple, and were laying the foundation of the temple when they ran into a buzz saw. “Enemies” reared their ugly heads (Ezra 4:1). . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The book of Ezra tells how a group of exiled Jews traveled back to Jerusalem to rebuild God’s temple, but it wasn’t a smooth and easy journey. Their story reveals some principles that can help us travel rough roads of our own.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
What can you learn from Ezra 4:12–5:2 about God’s timing, waiting on him, and trusting him in the process?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
By this point in the book of Ezra, God’s people had their hope deferred. They came back from captivity with such high hopes . . . but then the wheels fell off. . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
In life, as in sports, it’s important to stop and give thanks when things go well. Before we rush ahead and move on to the next event or activity, we should pause and celebrate the wins. . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
What area in your life are you hoping to build on with God’s help this year?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
God had planned from eternity past to get his people back home and give them a fresh start. Ezra and Nehemiah tell of this new start (these books were once combined as one). . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
As another new year begins, it’s good to remember that the Lord is the Master Craftsman. He’s an expert at making things new. He knows how to take our lives apart and put them back together again.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
What were God’s roles and what were the people’s roles in the Jewish exiles’ return to Jerusalem?