Reading Time: 4 minutes
After 11 chapters of doctrine in Romans, Paul shifted his focus to duty in this chapter. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
After 11 chapters of doctrine in Romans, Paul shifted his focus to duty in this chapter. . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Romans 12:1 makes me ask myself, “Am I unreservedly devoted to the Lord? What does it cost me to follow Jesus? . . .”
Reading Time: 2 minutes
How does your choice—to conform or be transformed—affect how you follow Christ?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Did the Old Testament Israelites stumble in their faith? Yes, but did they stumble in an irrecoverable way? Not at all! In fact, God used their stumbling as an avenue for the Gentiles to come into God’s plan. . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
We can’t live in the past. Our relationship with God shouldn’t rely on a nostalgic preoccupation with the way things used to be. But we shouldn’t forget the past. . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
What do you learn about God’s sovereignty, grace, and patience from Romans 11:11-32?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
The law was intended to make God’s people holy. In the end, the law underlined their sinfulness.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
If you base your self-image on what others think about you—or pamper your ego with an inflated sense of self-importance—you’re looking at a contorted mirror.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
How would you summarize the struggle between the desire to do good and the allurement of evil?