9 March, 2025

+The Lookout

Jan. 23 | Application

Jan. 23 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The word “leftover” sounds stale and unappealing. The Law of Moses instructed the Israelites to give the firstfruits of their labors, not the scraps. However, the Bible also has some positive things to say about leftovers . . .

Jan. 16 | Righteous Abraham

Jan. 16 | Righteous Abraham

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Be careful of idolizing Bible characters. They all have feet of clay, and they can marginalize God as the real hero of the biblical narratives. That being said, Abraham is an imitable model of righteousness. . . .

Jan. 16 | Application

Jan. 16 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Something in the human spirit wants to push back and assert our independence. When Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, Peter refused at first. On the surface his objection appeared humble, but in reality, pride was at work.