17 July, 2024

+The Lookout

Aug. 15 | Which Inheritance?

Aug. 15 | Which Inheritance?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this week’s Scripture text, Paul used several metaphors to drive home his point about being saved by faith in Christ as opposed to works of the law; the primary metaphor Paul used was inheritance.

Aug. 15 | Application

Aug. 15 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this week’s Application headlined “Choosing Your Ancestors,” David Faust writes: “From Adam and Eve till today, sin has tainted humanity and tilted us toward disaster. . . . Thankfully, though, we can choose the spiritual family we call our own.”

#Faust25: ‘Jesus’ Hardest Command’

#Faust25: ‘Jesus’ Hardest Command’

Reading Time: 4 minutes

(Another classic piece celebrating David Faust’s 25th anniversary of writing columns.) What is the most difficult thing Jesus ever told anyone to do? That’s the question I asked an adult Bible study group the other day. The people in the room were quick to respond. . . .