+The Lookout

Jan. 2 | Discovery
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Recognizing that God’s love prompted him to send Jesus to the world to save us from our sins, how does God’s love and mercy work alongside his justice and wrath?

Jan. 2 | Application
Reading Time: 3 minutes
If God had no capacity for righteous anger, it would create some difficult dilemmas.

Jan. 2 | Righteous Wrath
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Romans has been responsible for more church revivals than any other New Testament book. This month, students will learn that God is righteous, and therefore judgment should be left in his hands.

Dec. 26 | Unexpected Hope
Reading Time: 4 minutes
We move from the joy of the shepherds spreading the good tidings of Christmas (last week’s lesson) to the Sadducees asking Jesus about the future (this week’s lesson).

Dec. 26 | Application
Reading Time: 3 minutes
There will be a last time I pet my dog, mow my lawn, eat my favorite meal, and watch a ballgame on TV. But the story won’t end there . . .

Dec. 26 | Discovery
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Sadducees’ view of life was very limited: we live, we die, that’s it. How do you think that kind of viewpoint would affect a person’s life?

Dec. 19 | Unexpected Response
Reading Time: 4 minutes
While they were keeping watch over their flocks at night, an angel of the Lord appeared to them . . .

Dec. 19 | Application
Reading Time: 3 minutes
It started with fear, and it ended in glory. . . . The shepherds had no idea they were role-players in an unfolding drama that would forever change the world.