9 March, 2025

+The Lookout

Aug. 29 | Which Desires?

Aug. 29 | Which Desires?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Paul wrote at the level of our desires when he shared the practical application of living by faith in Christ as opposed to living by works of the law. Desires shape much of our lives. But what shapes those desires?

Aug. 29 | Application

Aug. 29 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mary’s whiplashed emotions made it difficult for her mind to grasp history’s greatest miracle. In your own life, have there been times when the Lord was right there with you, but you didn’t recognize his presence?

Aug. 15 | Which Inheritance?

Aug. 15 | Which Inheritance?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this week’s Scripture text, Paul used several metaphors to drive home his point about being saved by faith in Christ as opposed to works of the law; the primary metaphor Paul used was inheritance.

Aug. 15 | Application

Aug. 15 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this week’s Application headlined “Choosing Your Ancestors,” David Faust writes: “From Adam and Eve till today, sin has tainted humanity and tilted us toward disaster. . . . Thankfully, though, we can choose the spiritual family we call our own.”