18 July, 2024

+The Lookout

Mar 14 | The Beginning of Wisdom

Mar 14 | The Beginning of Wisdom

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Mark Scott writes: The main part of this week’s text features an alternating pattern of command (Proverbs 3:1, 3, 5-6a, et al.) and reward (3:2, 4, 6b, et al.). When God’s people begin with God’s wisdom, they can . . .

Mar 14 | Discovery

Mar 14 | Discovery

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Look at how the main passage (Proverbs 3:1-12) is arranged. You’ll see six commands or actions followed by corresponding results or rewards. In what ways do you find this format to be beneficial?

Mar 7 | Application

Reading Time: 3 minutes

My first “minister’s office” was a small corner room. . . . My office contained a gas heater, a rotary phone, and a mimeograph machine I cranked by hand to print the weekly bulletin. One of my weekly tasks was burning trash in a barrel. . . .