16 July, 2024


August 28 | God’s Glory Departs

August 28 | God’s Glory Departs

Reading Time: 4 minutes

God will not stay where he is not wanted. However, he does not take lightly being pushed away. If repeatedly pushed away, he will punish those who resist him. That is the essence of Ezekiel’s vision at this point.  

August 28 | God’s Glory Departs

August 21 | The Soul that Sins

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this lesson text, the exilic prophet Ezekiel taught that the soul that sins is the one in trouble. Ultimately a child cannot pass the buck of blame for sin to mom or dad. Each individual must stand before God personally. 

August 28 | God’s Glory Departs

August 14 | Sins of the Leaders

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Since the call of this exilic prophet (in Ezekiel 1–3), the prophet had cried out against Israel’s idolatry and the sins of Israel’s leaders. The result was that leaders began persecuting Ezekiel. At this juncture “the word of the Lord” came to Ezekiel to cry out against those leaders.  

July 31 | Don’t Be Idle Wasting Time

July 17 | Be Alert for Christ’s Return

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This section on the return of Christ (beginning in 1 Thessalonians 4:13) is one of the longest in the New Testament. Evidently some of the believers felt as if those who had died before the return of Jesus would miss out on his second coming. Paul was writing to correct that fallacious thinking.  

July 31 | Don’t Be Idle Wasting Time

July 10 | Endurance Inspired by Faith

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s been said that the Christian life is not a sprint but a marathon. . . . One thing hindering the Thessalonian believers from enduring the race was confusion about the end times and return of Christ. Confusion about the future caused them uncertainty in the present.