16 July, 2024


Feb. 6 | Justified by Grace

Feb. 6 | Justified by Grace

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As the Justifier, how can God stay true to his character and punish sin (that is, how can he be “just”), and at the same time release the offender (i.e., the sinner) from punishment? Grace is the answer.

Jan. 16 | Righteous Abraham

Jan. 16 | Righteous Abraham

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Be careful of idolizing Bible characters. They all have feet of clay, and they can marginalize God as the real hero of the biblical narratives. That being said, Abraham is an imitable model of righteousness. . . .

Jan. 2 | Righteous Wrath

Jan. 2 | Righteous Wrath

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Romans has been responsible for more church revivals than any other New Testament book. This month, students will learn that God is righteous, and therefore judgment should be left in his hands.