16 July, 2024


June 25 | Warning for Liars

June 25 | Warning for Liars

Reading Time: 4 minutes

People have many motivations for lying. Pride, saving face, selfishness, greed, and more can motivate a person to be dishonest. Hananiah, it seems, was angered by Jeremiah’s message of doom. . . .

May 28 | Waiting

May 28 | Waiting

Reading Time: 4 minutes

People adopt a posture of solitude while waiting, which is not only a good spiritual discipline, but also a great help in waiting. To sit alone in silence can be very redemptive. . . .

May 28 | Waiting

May 21 | Wounded

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Lord acts like a physician who must hurt the patient to produce healing. He seems violent, but the Lord knows something about wounds, and he knows how redemptive they can be. . . .