16 July, 2024


March 5 | Forgive My Unfaithfulness

March 5 | Forgive My Unfaithfulness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The theme for Hosea might be, “Good News from a Troubled Home.” God’s love for his people was on display at Hosea’s house. This minor prophet had married Gomer, who was unfaithful to him. But Hosea had purchased her back as an object lesson for Israel. . . .

February 26 | Courage to Restore

February 19 | Courage to Deny Oneself

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Post-exilic Israel had returned home. The people had learned their lesson about idolatry following their 70-year spanking in Babylon. But they had fallen prey to other nuances of selfishness and would need to learn again the benefit of self-denial.  

February 26 | Courage to Restore

February 5 | Courage to Stand Up

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A touched heart typically is what spurs a person to action. The devastating news of Jerusalem caused Nehemiah to weep and mourn in chapter 1, and God used Nehemiah’s sadness to get the king’s attention in chapter 2.

January 29 | It’s About Distinction

January 29 | It’s About Distinction

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Upon his arrival in Jerusalem in chapter 7, Ezra sized things up rather quickly. The exiles were in danger of turning back to the sinful ways that had caused them to go into captivity in the first place. Ezra was committed to nip that mindset in the bud.  

January 29 | It’s About Distinction

January 15 | It’s Not Easy

Reading Time: 4 minutes

God’s people had returned from their exile in Babylon, had rebuilt the altar in the temple, and were laying the foundation of the temple when they ran into a buzz saw. “Enemies” reared their ugly heads (Ezra 4:1). . . .