30 March, 2025

Our Move to Not-for-Profit

by | 25 February, 2019 | 0 comments

By Jerry Harris

It happened quietly in 2018. The owner of Christian Standard and The Lookout took on not-for-profit status for the first time ever. For about 150 years, the magazines were guided by Standard Publishing, which did business like most of the working world . . . as a for-profit. The company encouraged churches to buy and pass out their magazines for free and to purchase their books and other helps for teaching. That system endured for years, even as the business was bought and sold four times. Then, in early 2017, a church-centric organization purchased the magazines, and the publications now function purely as a ministry to the Restoration Movement.

Being a not-for-profit ministry is all about motive. The motive in the for-profit world is self-defined, profit, and success is measured in money. That isn’t to say all those who worked at Standard Publishing through the years were motivated by money; far from it. They pursued their work as ministry and to grow God’s kingdom, but the driving force, the business plan if you will, was still a financial return for the owners and shareholders.

That is not the case anymore.

Today, Christian Standard Media—which owns the magazines—exists purely to minister to independent Christian churches and churches of Christ. Our only motivation is our mission: We seek to leverage the power of our unity in order to build up the church through our core values:

To present a greater harvest to God knowing that we accomplish more working together.

To press for our commonalities while being respectful of our differences.

To push innovation and relevance without compromise to our core biblical beliefs.

To pull each other up through biblical reproof, rebuke, and encouragement.

To pass our great heritage on to the next generation.


If you share that mission and set of core values, I encourage you to remember this ministry in your sacrificial giving. There are many ways you can steward the blessings God has given you—so many vital and worthwhile ministries out there—but Christian Standard and The Lookout have stood the test of time. Would you consider a gift to this ministry? Would you consider remembering Christian Standard Media in your will?

Is it important to you that, as this movement continues to blaze a trail forward, it not lose its mooring to what made us who we are and that our mottoes not be forgotten? Is it important to you that we stay true to the Word of God in our teaching and discipleship? Do you see it as necessary that our leaders have their feet firmly planted in the propositional truth of the New Testament?

As a not-for-profit ministry, gifts to Christian Standard Media are tax-deductible. It would be a great way to ensure the truth you so deeply cherish is faithfully passed down to the next generation of Christ followers and leaders! The apostle Paul commissioned us all in 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

We intend to continue doing that at Christian Standard Media, and we encourage you to join us in that eternal effort.

Please make checks payable to Christian Standard Media and mail to 16965 Pine Lane, Suite #202, Parker, CO 80134. Or call 1-720-598-7377.

Jerry Harris

Jerry Harris is publisher of Christian Standard Media and teaching pastor at The Crossing, a multisite church located in three states across the Midwest.


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